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World of Tanks
2 reviews
138.7 k downloads

A world of tanks and heart-stopping battles await you

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Andrés López icon
Reviewed by
Andrés López
Content Editor

World of Tanks (WoT) is a MMO war game in which the players can make equipment and open fire in a continuous World War II environment with the firepower of tanks at their disposal.

The game includes more than 160 unique tanks, coming from the United States, Germany, France, and the USSR, recreated with surgical accuracy. Every single detail of these machines is perfectly planned out.

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The game uses an evolution system and improves your tank in a way that lets you mount tons of weapons and take control of many types of tanks throughout the game. You can wipe out your enemies using light tanks, choose to roll them over using a heavy-duty tank, or use precision to your advantage and pick them off at a distance (sniping).

Every type of tank and weapon has its own strategy and usefulness within the combat system. In this way, you'll be responsible for searching for human allies that improve your affectiveness in the game. For example, a light tank driver surely will want the help of a heavy tank...

Graphically WoT is an outstanding MMO. The tanks, even though it's already been mentioned, aren't only highly detailed, but also look incredible and the scenery -- although it isn't overloaded with doodads -- gives spectacular views that will make driving around a pleasure.

World of Tanks (WoT) is truely an awesome MMO that distinguishes itself from similar games because it uses a cool and fun game mechanic that's almost entirely based on your abilities.

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Information about World of Tanks

License Free
Op. System Windows
Category Action
Language English
13 more
Author Wargaming.net
Downloads 138,661
Date Aug 23, 2024
Content Rating Not specified
Advertisement Not specified
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Older versions

exe Jul 16, 2024
exe Jun 28, 2024
exe Apr 12, 2024
exe Jan 12, 2024
exe Nov 3, 2023
exe Oct 6, 2023
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